Hi All,
As usual I am a bit late with my fourth day blog here at this A to Z Challenge
Her is my entry for the 4th day.
To sustain our body equilibrium we need to have a systematic food intake
So food is very important for your body's existence.
One need to get sufficient vitamins from the food we consume
So we need to have a good sense on this issue.
Yes we all want to be the best?
The Smartest, The Loveliest, The Healthiest and of course The Sexiest?
So, Here is a wonderful food the experts or the nutritionists suggest to take
if you want to be in the above mentioned list. LOL
No doubt this is a special food!
I means duper super food
It may not be Wonder food!
But in a way it can be Wonder food too!!!
Live Sprouts
Pic by groesel sxc.hu |
sprouted seeds or grains are without doubt a big store of powerhouse of good live food nourishments.
one can grow this within their premises. it can be grown in your windowsill or even in your kitchen cupboards
These sprouted seeds are excellent source of protein, minerals, carbohydrates, vitamins and a small quantities of fatty acids. Germinated seeds and grains increase its nutritional value. They are the excellent source of nutrition. For example sprouted wheat contains 30 percent more more vitamin B than ordinary wheat grains, and 200 percent more B2, 90 percent more niacin and 80 percent more pantothenic acid and the vitamin C content increases by 60 percent while germinating. The same increase happens with other seeds and grains like mung beans, lentils, fenugreek and other beans. These seeds can be germinated anywhere in your kitchen. Take required seeds in a jar cover it with lukewarm water and leave it overnight and in the morning take out and wash thoroughly and place it in a muslin or cheese cloth and remove the water then place it in a jar and again in the evening take out wash it with fresh lukewarm water, repeat the rinsing twice a day and in three to four days(depends of the seed you uses) it will be ready to use. this can be used with yogurt and in salads, also can be used with omelets. Grow every time a different one in the jars.
Seeds like alfalfa, wheat, moong beans, lentils, seame seds, chik peas, fenugreek can be sprouted in this way and can use.
Mung bean sprouts contains mainly water substance and other nutrients that means less calories or saturated. They are good source of vitamin C, vitamin K and phytosterols fat.This is in short a wonderful source of vitamins and minerals. Its a good aid to weight loss: Th high-water, low-calorie, nutrient-rich foods like mung bean sprouts are prefect accomplices in your wight-loss efforts. This can be taken by adding it in your soup add a cup of sprouts to your next stir-fry, soup or casserole. Or mount them on a sandwich in place of lettuce or sprinkle them in salads.
Encylopedia world book
FC &A Medical Publishing