Saturday, April 13, 2013

L is for Love: “The God’s Love”: The Greatest Love Ever Manifested On Earth

L is for Love: “The God’s Love”: The Greatest Love Ever Manifested On Earth

We are living in a world of love less people.

Instead of love we see hatred everywhere.

In such a world God the Father manifested His Great Love towards the mankind through His Son Jesus Christ. 

He send His only begotten Son for the sake of mankind.  

About this Love, The greatest of all love we can read in the Love

Book Called the Word of God or The BIBLE.

Read and enjoy His presence and love.

This will be the greatest and good decision you ever take in your life.

May you take this decision to accept His Love Today!

Tomorrow is not ours.

Today is the Day.

Accept God and His beloved Son as your Lord and Savior in your life.

May God Bless




  1. Thank you Ann, for this reminder of His love.

  2. Hi Melanie,
    Thank you so much for your kind visit,
    Yes, His Love is everlasting,
    May God Bless.
    Keep Inform
    Best Regards
